Izdelki za braun nacl 500ml (32)

MCK Daily Care šampon 1000 ml

MCK Daily Care šampon 1000 ml

MCK Daily care of shampoo resolves the daily care of your hair needs. Removes excess oil and dirt from your hair. Allows your hair to move freely and style easily. Helps your hair appearance lively and shiny.
Bacillol AF 500 ml Hitro Razkuževanje Površin

Bacillol AF 500 ml Hitro Razkuževanje Površin

Aldehydfreies, alkoholisches SchnellDesinfektionsmittel. • rückstandsfrei • parfümfrei • aldehydfrei • gute Benetzung • Wirkungsspektrum bakterizid (inkl. Salmonellen und Listerien), levurozid, fungizid, tuberkulozid, mykobakterizid, begrenzt viruzid (inkl. HBV, HIV, HCV), Adenovirus, FCV, MNV, Polyoma und Rotavirus